Share file is a cloud based file storage and sharing service. Share file instructions are as follows:
Step 1: Click on the below link to get the “Share file” login page
Step 2: Once clicked on the link you will be able to navigate to the login page as shown below. Please provide your MMS user ID (MMS Mail ID) in the email filed and password will be sent to your respective mail ID.
Step 3: Once logged in to the share file the Dashboard view will be as shown below, click on the Share Folders tab to view the respective department folders or access provided folders.
Step 4:
a) For uploading the files (Word, Excel, and PPT), click on "Browse files" and you will be able to navigate to the local path on system, select the files and click on “OK” button or click on “Plus (+) mark" in the right hand side to upload the documents.
b) Once the files are uploaded, the process will begin as shown below.
Step 5: For creating the New Folder(s) or files inside the share file click on the Plus (+) mark as shown below.
Step 6: Once the Files are uploaded or created, if required to be deleted, select the required files and click on the Delete button as shown below
Forgot Password:
If you are unable to access or forgot password,
1. Click on forgot password as shown below
2. Select any one of the below mentioned icons and click on “Send” button. Later, the link will be sent to your mail ID to reset the password.