Set up your mobile device to use a text message as your verification method
On the Additional security verification page, select Authentication phone from the Step 1: How should we contact you area, select your country or region from the drop-down list, and then type your mobile device phone number.
Select Send me a code by text message from the Method area, and then select Next.
Type the verification code from the text message sent from Microsoft into the Step 2: We've sent a text message to your phone area, and then select Verify.
From the Step 3: Keep using your existing applications area, copy the provided app password and paste it somewhere safe.
Select Done.
Set up your mobile device to receive a phone call
On the Additional security verification page, select Authentication phone from the Step 1: How should we contact you area, select your country or region from the drop-down list, and then type your mobile device phone number.
Select Call me from the Method area, and then select Next.
You'll receive a phone call from Microsoft, asking you press the pound (#) sign on your mobile device to verify your identity.
From the Step 3: Keep using your existing applications area, copy the provided app password and paste it somewhere safe.
Select Done.
Set up the Microsoft Authenticator app to use verification codes
On the Additional security verification page, select Mobile app from the Step 1: How should we contact you area.
Select Use verification code from the How do you want to use the mobile app area, and then select Set up.
The Configure mobile app page appears.
Open the Microsoft Authenticator app, select Add Account from the Customize and control icon in the upper-right, and then select Work or school account.
Use your device's camera to scan the QR code from the Configure mobile app screen on your computer, and then choose Next.
Return to your computer and the Additional security verification page, make sure you get the message that says your configuration was successful, and then select Next.
The authenticator app will ask for a verification code as a test.
From the Microsoft Authenticator app, scroll down to your work or school account, copy and paste the 6-digit code from the app into the Step 2: Enter the verification code from the mobile app box on your computer, and then select Verify.
On your computer, add your mobile device phone number to Step 3: In case you lose access to the mobile app area, and then select Next.
We strongly suggest adding your mobile device phone number to act as a backup if you're unable to access or use the mobile app for any reason.
From Step 4: Keep using your existing applications area, copy the provided app password and paste it somewhere safe.
Select Done.