Step 1: In a web browser, navigate to Enter your MMS email address in the email address field, enter the characters from captcha into the second field and then click next.
Step 2: To reset your password, choose the ‘I forgot my password’ option and click next.
Step 3: Next you will need to provide a verification code. Choose whether you would like to receive a text or a phone call. Enter your phone number into the box and click text or call depending on the option you chose.
Step 4: Once you receive the code, type it into the verification box and click next.
Step 5: Type in a new password into “Enter New Password” and “Confirm New Password” fields and click finish. (Note: Your new password should be at least 8 characters and include 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number and 1 special character.)
Step 6: You will receive the message “your password has been reset”
Note: The below step is only for MMS Laptop users (not virtual desktop).
Step 7: Connect VPN on your MMS Laptop. Wait for one minute, then press windows key + L on keyboard to lock computer. Next, log back in with new password.